Monday, December 7, 2009

GOD IS GOOD...ALL THE TIME! CRS Speaker Kevin Hartigan

We have had some feedback since the completion of Youth Convention expressing concern about the MC's doing the "God is Good!"..."All the Time!" cheer during Kevin Hartigan's talk.

That was something Kevin had requested the MC's do because he wanted to do a "rah, rah" cheer during his talk in order to return the energy that he experienced the night before in General Session 3 which he attended. At the same time, that is not part of his personality so he asked Tim and Joy to interject it every once in awhile. As you remember, Jeanine (CRS West Youth Programs Director) shared the story about Tanzania where she referenced the "God is Good!"..."All the Time!" so he wanted to connect it to that story to both reinforce that message of gratitude to God as well as bring some energy to his talk.

We appreciate the care and concern expressed for Kevin. Any of our speakers deserve that same respect but it is especially true when someone has travelled so far to share a message that is so important. Rest assured, in OYYAM staff conversations with Kevin and Jeanine they were incredibly moved by the experience of being with us and called it a "beautiful moment" for both of them. They were thankful to spend time with the youth and chaperones of the Archdiocese of Seattle at Youth Convention 2009.

Please keep them, the people they work alongside and the important work they do in their ministries in your prayers!

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